Happy Birthday Ma

26 years ago a little girl who was actually meant to be a little boy was born.  And thanks to my mothers decision to have my haircut in a cropped pixie do at age 9, this would not be the last time my gender was questioned throughout my life.

This was the first of many questionable decisions my mother made about my childhood style choices.  For instance, she had a penchant for dressing me and my sister in almost, but not quite matching outfits:


She loved punishing my inability to sit still while she did my hair in the mornings before school by bestowing me with lop sided pig tails:


Poor style choices aside, I can’t thank my mother enough for being so dedicated to her children, especially me.  She threw me the best birthday parties, cooks the most amazing food, had enough faith in me to allow me to assemble (and consequently ruin) samosas for our family reunion dinner……32058_403129626031_3782552_n

She bought me a dog even though she never wanted one, drove me all over Sydney for Saturday sports, pretended to enjoy the theatrics of me playing “Mama” by The Spice Girls to her on Mothers Day one year while I presented her with my shitty home made gifts and then proceeded to open said gifts with great enthusiasm.  And in keeping with tradition in lieu of getting her a present for her birthday, I have written this crummy little blog post which she will also pretend to enjoy and appreciate although I know what she really would’ve loved was a delivery of flowers or a cookbook in the post.

Sorry Ma but your self centered middle child just isn’t that organsied but just know that she loves you lots and is looking forward to seeing you soon!


Thanks for always being my number #1 fan xx

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4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Ma

  1. shampa says:

    I am crying now. Love you this was better than any cookbook

  2. Nupurmashi says:

    What a beautiful gift to your mother:: I know how proud she is of her three children and the hard work she has put into raising all of you..no chocolates or flowers could ever match this:: thanks for taking the effort to write this as i know your mother will always cherish this.. i know she is counting the hours until you arrive.. Have a safe trip and see you when you get here.

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